We really do take tissue culture to the next level! We sell fully acclimatized transplants (starts) in plugs. We are sure that you'll find our plug format the most convenient and easy way to achieve high transplanting efficiency and success. When you receive your plants, all you need to do is transplant them, water them in well, and grow them on as you are accustomed. This is because our plants are already acclimatized to ambient conditions and are ready to grow on to a perfect stand of liners. In addition to a great product format we are constantly adding new varieties (many of them proprietary) to our product line. We hope that you'll find just what you're looking for. However, if you don't see what you're looking for, let us know; chances are, that means we should be growing it!
Welcome to our 2012 Product Catalgue! Huas Tissure Culture Center would like to take this opportunity pledge its commitment to being your supplier of high quality tissue culture Hostas, Shade trees, Ornamental shrubs, Roses, Clematis, Lilacs, Saskatoon berries, Honey Berries (Haskaps), and Heucharas that you need for your nursery, farm or garden centre.
We invite you to go through our Product Catalogue on the right hand menu as well as our Price List and place an order with us this year. If you are new to Huas Tissue Culture Center, you are welcome to call us for a free sample. We are confident that you will be pleased with the quality of our tissue culture plants.
尺寸規(guī)格(Size Formats)
We offer three size formats for different applications. Small and Medium plugs are our standard product formats, whereas Large size transplants are normally produced on a custom basis. We direct-stick the plants in the Small and Medium plugs, but Large size transplants are produced by transplanting Small paper plugs and later transplanting them, after a root prune, to 21/4” Landmark 32 pots. These three size formats are described in further detail here.
SMALL (144 plants/flat)
This is our smallest and most economically priced transplant. Small transplants are grown in 3/4" wide by 1 1/2" deep paper plugs. Transplants grown in this soil volume are normally shipped when one to three inches tall. Small transplants are best used for transplanting into smaller containers (less than one gallon) or tree bands. This is our most popular size format.
MEDIUM (50 plants/flat)
Our medium-size transplants are grown in 1 1/2" wide by 2" deep paper plugs. The plants grown in this soil volume typically attain between 6"-12" in height at which point they can be shipped. (note: heights may be less than this range for certain shrub varieties). The medium size format makes a great transplant into containers under 5 gallons. Also, with care and some pre-hardening, medium transplants can even be lined-out directly in the field. We can place your order outside for one or two weeks prior to shipment to harden them for field planting if you so request. (NOTE: This size was previously referred-to as "Large"). |
LARGE (32 plants/flat)
This item costs $0.20 more per plant than the corresponding Medium price. Our Large liners are initially established in paper plugs and are then later transplanted and grown-on in 2 1/4" x 3" containers. We remove any circling roots from the plug base that may be present at the time of transplanting. Large liners are normally grown on a custom basis, please allow up to one year lead time. Notwithstanding the forgoing, we do occasionally have unallocated inventory in this size, so please do not hesitate to call us for availability of materials in this premium size. The best application for our Large liners is for lining-out in the field or transplanting directly to larger containers. (NOTE: This size was previously referred-to as (Extra Large". |
Featured Products- Sweet Jewels
We are pleased to offer tissue culture-derived cold hardy small fruit tree plants of:
- Saskatoon Berries
- Honey Berries / Haskaps
- Dwarf Sour Cherries
Click here to view our Sweet Jewels flyer, or contact us for more information.